Rihanna Sets Date for "Rated R: Remixed"

Rihanna quiere que ardas en llamas con "Rated R: Remixed", una colección de remixes de los temas de su cuarto album. La cantante R&B ha enlistado a Chew Fu tener 10 remixes de su disco último disco "Rated R", incluyendo el remix de su No. 1 hit "Rude Boy". El proyecto saldra a la venta el 25 de mayo.

Rihanna wants to make you sweat this summer with "Rated R: Remixed", a collection of remixes to tracks from her fourth album. The R&B star has enlisted dance remixer Chew Fu to rework 10 songs from last year's "Rated R", including her No. 1 hit "Rude Boy". The project is due May 25.

1. “Mad House” (Chew Fu Straight Jacket Fix)
2. “Russian Roulette” (Chew Fu Black Russian Fix)
3. “Rockstar 101” (Chew Fu Teacher’s Pet Fix)
4. “Wait Your Turn” (Chew Fu Can’t Wait No More Fix)
5. “Photographs” feat. will.i.am (Chew Fu 35mm Fix)
6. “Rude Boy” (Chew Fu Bumbaclot Fix)
7. “Hard” feat. Jeezy (Chew Fu Granite Fix)
8. “G4L” (Chew Fu Guns in the Air Fix)
9. “Fire Bomb” (Chew Fu Molotov Fix)
10. “Stupid in Love” (Chew Fu Small Room Fix)

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

i hate her new single rockstar 101 i hate when she does rock doesnt appeal to me! & this remix album ummmmmm blah

FLOP dijo...

Flop mix ?……
jus do another album rih
i would like that

Anónimo dijo...

CoOoOl!!! am having this shit!

Anónimo dijo...

YEAH!!!!! Cant wait to get it.

Flop?? This album has sold 3 million WW in 4 and

a half months haters!!!

Anónimo dijo...

I already got the “Rude Boy” remix by Chew Fu and its hott. Chew Fu is SERIOUS. I’m actually looking forward to this and I’m not even a dance music fan.

Anónimo dijo...

I see the haters are out.lol Her album has picked up and she has the most #1 singles for any female artist since 2000 and she came out in 2005. GGGB damn near is Diamond. Give the girl a break, she’s work hard for hers.