The-Dream (New Video)

El productor/cantante R&B The-Dream lanzara su tercer disco "Love King" el 18 de mayo. Este es el estreno mundial del video para el primer single llamado "Love King".

Producer/R&B singer The-Dream will release his third album "Love King" on May 18th. Here's the video world premiere for first official single, "Love King".

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...


gise dijo...

When is he gonna do something different? something epic? This sucks.

Anónimo dijo...

This song is terriblay. No strong hook and the beat is so typical and redundant for him.

Anónimo dijo...

Wow, hating much? This video and song are fire!

Phonex dijo...

Good song, but the video could have been real great, it was just ok.